Course Offerings and Registration

Over the last decade, hundreds of Temple graduate students have made the commitment to advance their teaching by completing the Temple University Teaching in Higher Education Certificate. The essential first step is 8985: Teaching in Higher Education Seminar (3 credits), typically offered each fall and spring through individual colleges and departments and each fall and summer I through the CAT. For upcoming offerings, visit the Temple Course Schedule online and register through the Banner System in TUPortal.

Course I: Teaching in Higher Education Seminar

The Teaching in Higher Education seminar is offered for Temple graduate students each fall semester and with some limited offerings in the spring. Most students enroll in a section of 8985 offered by their college. If your college is not offering a section of 8985, you may enroll in CLA 8985 or EPSY 8985. To review available sections, visit the Banner course catalog here.

Reflective Practicum


After 8985, most graduate students complete the Reflective Practicum, or in special circumstances, complete Course 2 (8960). You must be registered and participating in the Reflective Practicum by the end of the first week of classes.  

Register for the Reflective Practicum.

For more information about program requirements and benefits, visit the Teaching in Higher Education Certificate page or contact the Center for the Advancement of Teaching at