Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)


You tried a new pedagogical approach and it seemed to work! Maybe you are thinking of implementing a change to your assessments and/or activities and would like to know the impact? If you were to study these changes, you would be engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), which is research focused on teaching and learning and which invites you to systematically examine your classroom practices, improve your teaching based on your findings, and share your results with your colleagues here at Temple and across academia.

Engaging in SoTL provides you the opportunity to

  • Reflect upon your teaching.
  • Seek out evidence related to your teaching practices.
  • Assess whether your teaching-related practices are effective.
  • Improve your teaching and your students’ learning.
  • Contribute to scholarship focused on teaching and learning.

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching can help you reflect upon how and why you might want to design and implement a SoTL project in your class and guide you along the way.

WHY might I want to do a SoTL project?
  • While reflecting upon our teaching is a first step, seeking out evidence that our teaching practices are effective helps guide us in the decisions we make about teaching.
  • It can be a learning opportunity for your students.
  • It helps foster deeper teaching awareness and revitalizes your practices over time.
  • Contributing knowledge on teaching and learning helps educators across higher education implement more effective teaching practices.
HOW do I conduct a SoTL Project?

SoTL is conducted in five steps

  1. Decide upon your project’s scope and construct a research question.
  2. Design the study.
  3. Collect data (data can come in many forms).
  4. Analyze your data.
  5. Disseminate your results.

Have questions about any of these steps? We can help! Schedule a consultation with a SoTL expert at the CAT!

WHAT ELSE do I need to know about this type of scholarship?

Determining if your SoTL project is human subjects research can be a bit tricky (Definition of Human Subjects ResearchDefinition of a Human Subject Research » Institutional Review Board » University of Florida) and so the CAT and Temple’s Institutional Review Board (IRB; Institutional Review Board | Office of the Vice President for Research) created a protocol by which the CAT will review and approve teaching and learning focused research conducted here at Temple. The aim of this partnership is to provide a process for approval of projects whose scope is limited to SoTL research on our campuses. Please see our Umbrella IRB web page for more information.

Before you start your Umbrella IRB, please make sure you are up to date on the CITI Trainings that are required for faculty conducting human subject research: IRB Trainings and Resources | Office of the Vice President for Research.

If your project doesn't qualify for our Umbrella IRB, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the Electronic Research Administration (ERA) and going through the normal IRB process.

HOW can I get my SoTL poster printed?

CAT poster printing services are available to Temple University faculty and staff on a first come-first-serve basis. Printing requests take up to 3-5 business days to process from the date of submission. To request this service, complete the following online  Poster Printing Request Form in its entirety, including accurate FOAPAL information where applicable.


You will receive a confirmation email when your request is submitted and another when your poster has been printed and is ready for pickup. Posters can be picked up at one of two locations:


Main Campus EdTech Lab

TECH Center, Room 110

Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm

Since posters are not printed at this location, orders are generally available Wednesdays after 3pm following the 3-5 business day window mentioned above.


Health Sciences Campus EdTech Lab

Student Faculty Center, Room 200

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 8:30am-5:00pm

Wednesdays, 8:30-12:30am


For more detailed guidelines on procedures for printing a poster, including poster formatting and how to pay, please read the Poster Printing Policies and Procedures. If you have any further questions regarding the Poster Printing format or procedure, please contact , call the CAT’s Educational Tech Lab at (215) 204-8761, or visit any ETL location.

WHERE can I get support?

The CAT is here for you every step of the way! Please reach out to us by emailing Benjamin Brock at  or schedule a research consultation.