Educational Technology Consultations

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching’s Educational Technology team offers individualized consultation services on how to use instructional technology and applications to enhance your instruction and promote student engagement, including:

  • Identifying appropriate instructional technology tools for your teaching context
  • Maximizing the use of Canvas for face-to-face, online, and blended classes
  • Creating interactive and engaging learning environments using technology
  • Obtaining anonymous feedback using Classroom Response Systems (clickers & mobile devices)
  • Recording and posting lectures and voice feedback using lecture capture, video and presentation software
  • Facilitating online classes and office hours using web conferencing tools
  • Preventing plagiarism and encouraging good writing skills with plagiarism detection tools

Schedule an Educational Technology Consultation

Use our online Educational Technology Consultations calendar to schedule an online appointment with an Educational Technology consultant who will assist you with the use of technology to implement in your online or face-to-face course. You may also schedule a consultation by contacting us at 215-204-8761, emailing us at, or in person at the Instructional Technology Lab at the Tech Center, Room 110.