Fee Structure

For the Teaching in Higher Education Certificate, students are charged the College of Education in- or out-of-state per-credit tuition rates for part-time students, plus fees assessed according to the semester in which you take each of the classes. You can find the most updated information here.

Full-time faculty and staff of Temple University may use their tuition remission benefit to cover the cost of tuition. Information on tuition remission and how to process payment when you receive your tuition bill can be found here. Note that tuition remission does not cover the cost of semesterly fees. Non-Temple faculty interested in the Certificate are encouraged to contact their chair or dean’s office to ask whether tuition remission benefits they may have through their home institution can be applied to the cost of the Certificate.

At the present moment, the per-credit rate for in-state students is $1,105, so at this time, the total tuition cost would be $6,630 for folks who live in Pennsylvania. For folks living outside of PA, the per-credit rate is $1,518 or $9,108 for both courses.

Fees vary depending on the semester of enrollment and number of credits (you can find the table on the last page of the site linked-to above). Here is the current table:

The fee structure for the fall and spring semesters is:

The fee structure for the fall and spring semesters



9+ credits


5.0 to 8.9 credits


1.0 to 4.9 credits


The fee structure for each summer session is:

The fee structure for the fall and spring semesters



9+ credits


5.0 to 8.9 credits


1.0 to 4.9 credits


Scholarship Opportunity 

We offer a $500 per course scholarship per course for registrants who do not have access to tuition remission benefits that can be used to cover the cost of the Certificate.

Cohort pricing is available for institutions interested in having 10 or more faculty members enroll in the Certificate. For additional information, contact Dana Dawson at /.

For more information on Certificate pricing, email thec@temple.edu.