Course Offerings, Application and Registration

Over the last decade, hundreds of teachers and other professionals in our region and around the world have made the commitment to advance their teaching by completing the six-credit (2 course) Temple University Teaching in Higher Education Certificate.

Certificate Registration Form

If you are interested in applying for the Teaching in Higher Education Certificate, please complete this form. If you have questions, please contact the CAT (

Course 1. Teaching in Higher Education Seminar, EPSY 8985 

EPSY 8985 Course Description 

This course will enhance your knowledge of how people learn, expand and diversify your toolbox of teaching methods, and give you opportunities to apply what you are learning to the development of course materials and lesson plans. Participants will explore research on how students learn, develop strategies for fostering engagement and meaningful learning, and apply integrated course design principles to create syllabi, assignments, and assessments. Through readings and activities, individualized feedback on your assignments, your own self-reflection and dialogue with a learning community of colleagues. you will build a purposeful, inclusive, and adaptable teaching approach. 

Course Goals 

Upon successful completion of this course, the goal is that students will be able to:  

  • Apply research on learning and adult development to teaching; 
  • Apply the principles of integrated course design to develop syllabi, assessments and learning activities; 
  • Use a variety of research-based teaching methods to promote learning, development, achievement of all students; 
  • Develop a reflective and purposeful and learning-centered approach to teaching; 
  • Appreciate learning-centered teaching.

Course 1 Registration

To register, you must first complete the Certificate Registration Form and Continuing Studies will assist with course I registration.

Semester: Fall 2024 (August 26 - December 9)
Location and Meeting: online with virtual meetings Tuesday evenings, 5:30-8:00
Instructor: Jeff Rients
Course Number: EPSY 8985
          CRN: 39842
          Section: 704

Credits: 3

Course 2. Innovation, Technology, and Teaching in Higher Education, EPSY 8960 

EPSY 8960 Course Description 

This seminar provides instructors with the knowledge and experience to use research-based best practices when incorporating technology to support student learning. Together we will examine, interact with, and evaluate the application of a wide-range of technology-based innovations to achieve and assess learning goals and actively engage students. 

Course Goals

  • Upon successful completion of this course, the goal is that students will be able to: 
  • Articulate a personal philosophy and vision for using technology to support student learning 
  • Explain and evaluate uses of technology to support teaching and learning 
  • Develop technology-based teaching materials, which demonstrate: 
    • an alignment with learning goals 
    • competency 
    • best practices 
    • active student engagement 
  • Apply principles of Universal Design for Learning to teaching with technology 

Course 2 Registration

If you have completed Course 1 (8985) and wish to register for Course 2 (8960), email and request to be registered. Be sure to include your name, TU ID and the CRN for the section you wish to register in.

Questions? Just email the CAT at

Semester: Spring 2025 (January 13 - April 28)
Location and Meeting: Synchronous online meetings Tuesday evenings, 5:30pm-8:00pm
Instructor: Dr. H. Naomie Nyanungo
Course Number: EPSY 8960
          CRN: TBD
          Section: TBD
Credits: 3

Prerequisite: Course 1 (8985). You are encouraged to complete the second course with your cohort, however, Course 2 can be completed any time within 3 years of completing the Course 1 prerequisite.